I would like to create routable snowmobile trail map that others could download to their GPS. So is this the right place and is there a good tutorial?
This question is marked "community wiki".
The usual tool for creating routable maps with Garmin GPS units is mkgmap. Have a look at its website and mailing list, and do come back here (or use the mkgmap mailing list) if you have follow-up questions. 1
This assumes that the data is in OpenStreetMap already, and you want to create the files needed for your garmin unit. Before that though, if you want to create the map in the first place within OpenStreetMap (and share it with the world in our wonderful free dataset), then there's lots to learn about, editing OpenStreetMap, and recording data. We have a beginners guide for this http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners%27_guide ...Also maybe check out http://learnosm.org
(10 Dec '12, 13:33)
Harry Wood