I've been mapping my university (http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=39.992924&lon=-82.940206&zoom=18) using Potlatch 2. I close each changeset I make, but my changes aren't reflected on the online map. Why? |
Usually it takes between a few minutes and several hours until the changes are rendered into www.openstreetmap.org. Different Zoom Levels are rendered with different priority. So you may play around with zoom levels to check if your changes are rendered in some of them. The lower (larger areas) zoom levels sometimes aren't updated for many weeks after the edits, at least for Brazil's maps. But for me at least, never an update took more than a few minutes to appear in the maximum zoom level. The browser's cache had to be cleaned, however.
(14 Dec '12, 11:23)
Also your web browser almost certainly caches the map tiles. It's possible that the tiles have been updated but your browser is simply ignoring them. I usually click the "Refresh" button at each zoom level*. As ArtF says, though, the system can take a couple of minutes to render the tiles; in my experience the small-scale tiles (high level) might not get rendered for days. *Just to confuse things, when you exit Potlatch the lat/long and zoom level are in the URL. You need to remove that from the URL before clicking "Refresh". |
Which username did you use when doing the edits?
Did you try to add buildings, or something else?
Can you still see your own old additions when editing the map?
I added buildings, ways, multipolygons, and other things as "seanthegeek" (just noticed the typo in my username here). I can see the edits in potlatch 2, but not in the view tab.
Edit: I should also note that my edits are properly listed on the history page.