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Estoy trabajando en la zona del estado de Yucatán y una persona con desconocimiento de la región me cambió de categoría ciudades y pueblos perjudicando nuestro proyecto de Wikipedia ¿Hay algún administrador que puede revertir los cambios hechos por esa persona? Gracias.

asked 08 Dec '12, 18:02

Inri's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 May '13, 23:37

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Can you give an example of the data that has been changed? Links to the OSM data (nodes, ways) or some placenames?

(08 Dec '12, 18:38) Richard ♦

Se puede revertir, pero no hay 'administrador' que lo hace por ti. Hay algunos enlaces (en inglés) para poder revertir un 'changeset' completo. La buena practica de todas formas, si lo quieres hacer, es que te pongas en contacto con esa persona (por PM) y le explicas la situación, antes de hacer cambios. Si es uno de los buenos (la mayoría lo son), lo aceptara, puedes revertir sus cambios, Y .... los más importante .... porque él sabe la razón detrás de esto, no te volverá a cambiar.

@Richard Basically it does not matter which data have been changed. If the one that changed them, is not from the area (as OP states), and OP 'Inri' is, he should know (better) what is correct or not.

permanent link

answered 08 Dec '12, 19:00

LimburgCowboy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


It's not that simple. Local knowledge is always best, yes, but a new user may not yet understand all the conventions of editing OSM. (As an example, a 'city' in the US should not always be tagged as place=city.) It's perfectly possible that the mapper who changed the data was correct; without seeing links to the area we don't know. We shouldn't just blindly revert without investigating the circumstances.

(09 Dec '12, 14:14) Richard ♦

That's also true. Therefor I put in my answer in Spanish, that he should contact the person who made the changes and ask why he did it + himself explain as to why he would like (need) to revert the changes. I should've put that also in my remark to you though.

(09 Dec '12, 14:23) LimburgCowboy

Aquí hay una página en español sobre este tema: ES:Change_rollback.

(23 May '13, 23:36) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 08 Dec '12, 18:02

question was seen: 3,664 times

last updated: 23 May '13, 23:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum