When entering Unicode Characters (Ethiopic / Amharic in our case) in tags, such as "name:am", only boxes are being displayed. Is this an JOSM bug or just a wrong system setting? We are using Ubuntu/GNOME and in other parts of the system, it is just displayed fine. |
It is actually working in Ubuntu 12.04 and Java 7. But I made a ticket for Input Method support: http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/8259 |
It was not working any longer in Java 8 ... but i figured out it is working for openjdk-11 On Ubuntu 18.04:
I can confirm this here. It might be a font problem because other unicode characters work fine, but even with the packages
fonts-senamirmir-washra fonts-sil-abyssinica
installed I just get boxes in JOSM whereas other programs (like firefox) display the same characters without problems. I suggest creating a bug report.