I know the export tab is a simple way to do this. But How to export images when the longitude and latitude are not definite? I've tried http://parent.tile.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export\?bbox=lon1,lat1,lon2,lat2 in my program. But this is very slow and depends on the server(sometimes the server is too busy). If I've downloaded the osm file of big area,can i export a smaller one image by any software or api ? Sorry,really new to OpenStreetMap :( |
If you have the raw OSM data for that area you want, then have a look ath the OSM wiki and do a search there for Rendering. Or If you just want a single image of a certain area, do a wiki search for static_image or similar. Or do you want to download many tiles for an area in different zoom levels? Please add a comment here if you can clarify your aims. |