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Besides the most known map renderings which you see on there many more, but I could not find a good overview of map websites.

As far as I know, those sites are different in the map layers they have, in the basic user inteface, and the features they offer.

Please post any OSM-Browsing websites you know along with some details. I'll go ahead an post the ones I know, one site per answer.

Edit: Maybe this should not be a question but a wiki post - but now it's to late, the question is posted :)

For the far future I wished that there was one single browsing page which combines the advantages of all the pages we have now. But I think combining all these complex Javascript and Server Side Scriptings into a singe page might be very complex, so for the near future, I'd be glad to see a page that at least offers all those layers at once.

asked 15 Dec '10, 10:40

Brian%20Schimmel's gravatar image

Brian Schimmel
accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Dec '10, 11:05


Ok, so you don't like the question and vote it down without commenting your reasons. I don't know if this site has any policies for list-style questions, but other very similar sites have them, see and

As I stated above, this could have been an article in the OSM wiki instead of a question here, but my experience with wikis is that it takes forever until people insert stuff, so I hoped that there are some useful answers here.

(15 Dec '10, 13:06) Brian Schimmel

I would really recommend to use the wiki instead. Please do so. My experience is that the OSM wiki is very up-to date about the topic you are dealing with about collections of websites or applications. Elsewise voiting down this may be near.

(15 Dec '10, 16:32) stephan75

There is a List of OSM based Services on the wiki.

There are several other lists on the wiki which might be useful, eg Software or Applications. These lists are probably incomplete, so you can add other services that you know of.

permanent link

answered 15 Dec '10, 14:11

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

There is also a wiki page OSM Online Browsing, which partially overlaps with the List of OSM based Services.

(16 Dec '10, 08:51) Tordanik


  • Mapnik: The basic map that you all knwo
  • Osmarender: also knwon as Tiles at Home
  • Cycle map: highlightes cycle ways and cycling related amenities
  • Straßen ohne Name / Streets without name(?): Well, the streets have names, but more POIs are shown than on Mapnik


  • Data: see features


  • Permalink & shotlink
  • Location search
  • Edit via Potlatch or desktop software
  • Export map regions in various formats
  • See recent changes in an area
  • Show data for map objects (in a rather technical way that does not appeal end users)
permanent link

answered 15 Dec '10, 10:50

Brian%20Schimmel's gravatar image

Brian Schimmel
accept rate: 0%




  • Public Transport: Grey base map with colored transport routes


  • none


  • Permalink
permanent link

answered 15 Dec '10, 10:54

Brian%20Schimmel's gravatar image

Brian Schimmel
accept rate: 0%



  • Mapnik: The basic map that you all knwo
  • Osmarender: also knwon as Tiles at Home
  • Cycle map: highlightes cycle ways and cycling related amenities
  • ORS WMS Tile Cache: doesn't work for me


  • 11 Overlays related to the features below


  • Location search
  • Find routes for car, cycle or pedestrian use
  • Set several options for route search, including areas that should be avoided
  • Accessibility analysis (where can I travel from here within X minutes?)
  • Show routes on the map and download them
  • Permalink for maps and routes
  • Upload and show your own GPX routes
permanent link

answered 15 Dec '10, 11:00

Brian%20Schimmel's gravatar image

Brian Schimmel
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 15 Dec '10, 10:40

question was seen: 6,635 times

last updated: 16 Dec '10, 08:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum