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Re : advanced boolean search in the current help website ?

related discussions : 1) Help with Help

2) How can I search the Wiki ?

asked 28 Nov '12, 15:00

Pascal%20Boulerie%20ENSG's gravatar image

Pascal Boule...
accept rate: 0%

Perhaps you could expand your question a little - is there some sort of search that you are trying to perform that you are unable to?

(28 Nov '12, 15:02) SomeoneElse ♦

For instance : 114 questions matching 'font size' 20 questions matching 'font' 102 questions matching 'size'

I only need questions matching keyword 1 AND keyword 2 not all the questions matching either keyword 1 OR keyword 2

(in this case, I suspect there would be less than 20 answers for font AND size, and I do not want to read 1 by 1 all the 20 questions matching 'font', if they are not related to 'size'...)

When there are hundreds of questions, it becomes difficult to search through all...

(28 Nov '12, 15:22) Pascal Boule...

The software that currently drives the help system is OSQA. Someone's already asked your question here, but has not yet been answered. Also see here, where it is suggested that it should be added to JIRA (OSQA's bug tracking system) as a feature request.

I'd be tempted to check there to see the responses to any previous similar feature requests, and if you don't find any, add one.

permanent link

answered 28 Nov '12, 15:54

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 28 Nov '12, 15:00

question was seen: 4,237 times

last updated: 28 Nov '12, 15:54

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