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I live in a capital city where there are lots of non-public governmental areas such as the presidency palace and ministries. These places not only contains only a single governmental building but also span huge territories similar to military areas. The areas are usually surrounded by some kind fence or wall so that no one (other than the civil servants) can enter. From outside they look like small leisure forest parks with a couple of governmental building scattered around the territory. (Therefore, it is best that these areas are rendered with green on the maps.)

Which kind of tag should I use for such places? I saw people complaining about similar issues in the "talk" page of "landuse" tag. Has any consensus been reached on this issue?

asked 28 Nov '12, 08:53

yigiter's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Nov '12, 15:01

I guess you are just asking about the "area" access restriction here. Because OSM has a well established convention to specify access restrictions on roads (see the key access on the wiki) and you should use them for all highways inside the restricted access areas (if any).

I see two options in your case. You can combine them.

  • create a specific "landuse" polygon (e.g. "landuse=government" ? not documented currently on the wiki) and add an "access=private" or "access=no" or "access=destination" depending on the degree of accessibility. But I'm not sure that any current software will try to interpret access tags on a landuse polygon. This landuse should not overlap with other landuse polygones othewise it could create some ambiguity.
  • draw the surrounding fences/walls and tag them with the key "barrier". This should prevent any routing software to cross the area by foot.

The advantage of the landuse polygon is that you can name it (e.g. "landuse=government" + "access=private" + "name=Ministry of Interior").

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answered 28 Nov '12, 11:18

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

i would prefer "landuse=government" + "access=private" + "name=Ministry of Interior" + "barrier=fence" , if the whole area is surrounded by a fence.

(28 Nov '12, 20:43) gormo

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question asked: 28 Nov '12, 08:53

question was seen: 3,656 times

last updated: 28 Nov '12, 20:43

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