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I have been taking photos and videos with my mobile phone while surveying. I don't have a matching GPS trace; at most there might be Wi-Fi triangulation for the beginning of the video. It's hard to find things in the video afterwards, and even harder to find which of the many videos covers a certain area...

Is there any tool that will let me manually add geolocation to different points in the video, and show it as a trace on the map? Ideally it'd allow clicking on the route to jump to the matching part of the video too.

asked 25 Nov '12, 01:55

nicolas17's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have a look at this web site. It looks a bit technical to me, so I'm not sure if its what you want, but one of the demos seems to be of a mobile phone using gps information in conjunction with a video recording.

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answered 25 Nov '12, 21:45

gumpa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Why not create a GPX trace manually, setting the timestamp on each point to a time in the video ? Then you can use josm's video plugin as normal.

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answered 25 Nov '12, 22:06

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

I couldn't get the videoplugin to work at all for me, it fails to find VLC.

(29 Nov '12, 05:08) nicolas17

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question asked: 25 Nov '12, 01:55

question was seen: 4,839 times

last updated: 29 Nov '12, 05:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum