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Hi I was mis-directed by "King's Cross St. Pancras" since KC has been put first, ( to the left ! ) but is to the East ( to the right ! )

Any objection to replacing all instances of "King's Cross St. Pancras" with "St. Pancras King's Cross" ?

Can someone please do it for me ? I'm wary of wasting time by registering, logging-in, editing. (Bad experiences with wasting time editing a wiki that got reverted !)

Thanks !

asked 24 Nov '12, 22:59

EricD's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Nov '12, 23:02

In OpenStreetMap, we have a strong principle called "Don't tag for the renderer". In other words: don't enter incorrect information to make one particular map look right.

In this case, the (tube) station really is called King's Cross St Pancras, so that's how the data should be stored in OpenStreetMap.

It may be the case that on some 'renderings' of OpenStreetMap (of which there are many), the label for the tube station appears in a way that makes it look like King's Cross is to the west and St Pancras to the east. That's as may be. The correct way to address that is to fix the rendering (and, I'm afraid, this is probably sufficient of an edge case that it's not even worth that), not to enter incorrect information in OpenStreetMap.

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answered 25 Nov '12, 11:30

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 24 Nov '12, 22:59

question was seen: 1,886 times

last updated: 25 Nov '12, 11:30

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