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How do I select an exact an area of mapping... Manual select doesn't seem to work for me, I can't drag the extents of the box

I'm using the Export Tab on the main site. I want a large area at detail of about 1:5000 however the it only lets me export small areas at this scale. How do I change the area???

asked 23 Nov '12, 16:21

obrienor's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Apr '15, 11:29

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Is this using the "export" tab on the main site, or something else?

Also, if it's the main site that you're talking about, what OS and browser are you using?

(23 Nov '12, 16:40) SomeoneElse ♦

It is also of interest which editor you use.

(23 Nov '12, 23:52) malenki

Been away for awhile... thanks for comments. Im using the Export Tab on the main site. I want a large area at detail of about 1:5000 however the it only lets me export small areas at this scale. How do I change the area???



(05 Jan '13, 13:39) obrienor

Do the answers to any of these previous questions help?

(05 Jan '13, 16:49) SomeoneElse ♦

It seems you don't want "to map" like in "create/enhance objects in OSM" but like "I want to create a map to download and print"? Is that correct?

(05 Jan '13, 21:31) malenki

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question asked: 23 Nov '12, 16:21

question was seen: 5,631 times

last updated: 25 Apr '15, 11:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum