Hi, The city of Mashhad in north easet of Iran (the second large city in that country) has no name and I eant to add a name for this city. What is the best way to do this? I am working with JOSM and Potlatch 2. Thanks. EDIT: I tried to select city area in JOSM and I get this error: The OSM server 'http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/' reported a bad request. The area you tried to download is too big or your request was too large. Either request a smaller area or use an export file provided by the OSM community. |
Cities are tagged with place=* either on a node (simplest method) or on an area (if you have better info). Either find the existing node/area and add the name tag on it, or create the node/area yourself. You do not need to download the whole city to do this :
Please install the mirrored_download plugin in JOSM. You can then download from a mirror server instead of the main server. The mirror servers allow for much larger areas than the main server. |
Try a smaller area as the error message already suggests. The downloaded data from multiple requests will automatically be merged by JOSM.
I have to draw a polygon around the city to tag the city but I can't.
Why can't you draw the polygon? Please be more specific. It also suffices if you add a city node for the start.