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I was under the impression that a node tagged with amenity=parking_entrance would mark the end of the road as it met the building, at least in cases where indoor information isn't available. However, I've seen a user create skeleton ways connecting these parking entrances, apparently as a fix/workaround for routing issues detected by Project OSRM (e.g. ). Is this recommended?

asked 19 Nov '12, 22:20

Paul_012's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

It's always difficult to say what is "recommended" or not in OSM. The problem with indoor mapping is the difficulty to verify the information. What is done in your example is not incorrect. The position of the parking aisle lane is probably a rough outline but it is better than nothing and accuracy can be improved in the future by the next contributors. BUT it might require an "access" tag if the parking access is restricted to some public (private) or time (opening_hours) or requires some fee. An explicit tag like "access=yes" might clarify this point.

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answered 21 Nov '12, 13:45

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I'm concerned that while making such educated guesses may generally be useful, (the linked example is a pretty simple case of two exits at each end of a parking building,) there's the possibility that the result may turn out to be completely wrong, especially in more complex buildings with several entrances and exits. Is risking such incorrect information really better than having nothing at all, especially since satellite navigators aren't going to work indoors anyway?

(07 Dec '12, 08:01) Paul_012

I replied for your case: 1 entrance, 1 exit. In such easy case, it is of course not harmful to speculate on the parking service road. In more complexes cases, it is of course better to not introduce intentional mistakes or, at least, high speculations on the routing options inside the building. In such cse, it is better to do nothing. But more generally, for all contributors mapping remotely, you have to use your common sense when you add stuff in OSM. More importantly if you decide to add speculated information in OSM, add your sources or a 'note' tag explaining that you are not 100% sure.

(07 Dec '12, 09:13) Pieren

At least 60% of public entrances must be accessible in new construction, in addition to entrances directly serving tenancies, parking facilities, pedestrian tunnels and elevated walkways.

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answered 08 Jul '20, 09:00

Smith%20Hennry's gravatar image

Smith Hennry
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Nov '12, 22:20

question was seen: 3,574 times

last updated: 08 Jul '20, 09:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum