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About seven days ago I tagged as an example Whiting Bay, way (2008834918) as natural Bay, but this as not rendered, there are more tagged the same with no rendering I clicked twice to create the node! perhaps I am doing this completely wrong, any help would be welcome, thanks.

asked 18 Nov '12, 15:56

Burton%20wanderer's gravatar image

Burton wanderer
accept rate: 0%

"Way" 2008834918 is not a way, but a node:

You have entered "Natural = Bay", but renderers might be case sensitive and all tags should be lowercase.

permanent link

answered 18 Nov '12, 16:16

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

HI gnurk, It seems I used upper and lower case here, but another node 2009231601 was tagged in lowercase and that as not rendered so the problem persists!

(18 Nov '12, 16:51) Burton wanderer

I changed to natural=bay (not upper case) and now it renders. You may need to refresh the cache in your browser to see it (e.g. Ctrl-F5). Like all rendered items, it only displays at some zoom levels.

(18 Nov '12, 22:35) ChrisH

For your second example (Coverack Cove, node 2009231601), you had an extra space after the natural key. This is not very obvious in Potlatch, or on the browse option on the website. I've now fixed that, and it is rendered on the map.

(20 Nov '12, 13:50) Vclaw

There is even a ticket for this "bug", but unfixed so far.

(20 Nov '12, 15:47) scai ♦

Thanks one and all, will take note for future edits.

(20 Nov '12, 16:23) Burton wanderer

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question asked: 18 Nov '12, 15:56

question was seen: 2,490 times

last updated: 20 Nov '12, 16:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum