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I am currently busy with a personal schoolproject in a group where we are going to make a GPS-bike using OSM. I will first try to give some insight in how we are going to do it and after that ask for some advice since the internet did not give me a good solution just yet.

The main components wich we are going to use is this:

  • A bluetooth module of arduino wich can talk back and forth with phones and computers ( bluetooth connection is obv required). We got this part set already. We got a bluetooth wich can talk and connect with your phone so i can send commands from my phone to the arduino.

  • A android app using OSM for GPS and mapping. The app is going to need to talk to the arduino but that is not for here.

  • The arduino is going to be connected to some LEDS wich are going to be put in the steering handles of the bike. So the main idea is that the app is going to talk to the arduino ( like telling him to go right at the next turn) so the LEDS on the right side will blink up.

My specific question would be: - Where could i find good usable API code wich can be editted abit for our needs? The main editing that is going to be needed is that it needs to talk to the arduino. I could find some apps but i could not find a app where you can for example export the code into JAVA or whatever.

  • Can you may provide more hints and tips for the project from maybe personal experiences.

I hope i was clear enough and that you could provide us some information :D Cheers

asked 14 Nov '12, 11:13

basdetas's gravatar image

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Your needs seem to be quite special.

So if there will not be enough feedback on this FAQ site, try to ask at one of the OSM mailing lists, e.g. the dev-list.

(14 Nov '12, 16:49) stephan75

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question asked: 14 Nov '12, 11:13

question was seen: 4,691 times

last updated: 14 Nov '12, 16:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum