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I already checked that I was using the appropriate tags and using the name tag. I have had two businesses show up with no problems, but the city hall (tagged as amenity townhall) and community center (tagged as amenity community_centre) do not show up at all on the map after uploading, even with both named using the name attribute tag.

I am using Vespucci on a tablet running Android 4.0.3 to edit, if that helps.

asked 12 Nov '12, 19:06

bmaura's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Nov '12, 19:25

Not every possible map feature will be rendered on our main map because there are just too many things you can map, this has already been answered multiple times here. However if you have good areal imagery in this area you can draw the building outlines, add building=yes and all the tags from your nodes (and delete the original node), then you will see the building on the map and most probably also the name if there is enough space to draw it.

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answered 12 Nov '12, 20:40

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 12 Nov '12, 20:42

Your answer assumes that I am only using the sat photos to source info. I am a resident of this city, apparently the only person locally editing. I did search but found almost no information regarding civic buildings other than the correct tag formats. All other changes appeared at the the closest zoom level with no delay.

Eta: amenity library showed up immediately, as did the local fire station. Are city halls and community centers deprecated?

(12 Nov '12, 21:53) bmaura

No there are certainly not deprecated, they are just not in the current render style sheet. They will be found by search engines, by routing engines and other services but they aren't rendered on the main map currently. If you think they are important enough to get rendered then create a ticket here. But as already explained not every possible feature will get rendered on the main map.

(13 Nov '12, 06:18) scai ♦

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question asked: 12 Nov '12, 19:06

question was seen: 3,815 times

last updated: 13 Nov '12, 06:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum