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I have added some inner boundaries to a relation (forest) that somehow have broken it.

The relation is:

Previously, the multipoligon was shown correctly in Mapnik as a forest, but not anymore.

I have even removed the new inner boundaries from the relation to try to restore it and get it to render correclty in Mapnik, but this has not helped. I suppose some of my changes from 10.11.2012 have damaged the realtion, because up to today my changes to the ralation were shown correctly.

Is there a straightforwad way to find out where the problem might lie?

asked 10 Nov '12, 23:13

BollWeevil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Having had a look at the data three things were more or less straightforward:

  • a multipolygon relation should not tagged as type=broad_leaved but type=multipolygon
  • one inner way did intersect itself
  • an inner way outside of the outer way doesn't make renderers happy, even if it is inside of another outer way, too.

I fixed the above mentioned issues.

Afaik the JOSM editor is a little more advanced compared to Potlatch when it comes to editing relations and checking for errors. Maybe you want to have a look at it. (e.g. JOSM didn't show the area of the wood getting rendered as wood as long as there was no type=multipolygon)

Best regards

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answered 11 Nov '12, 00:23

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 10 Nov '12, 23:13

question was seen: 3,865 times

last updated: 11 Nov '12, 00:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum