Now that OpenStreetMap is under the ODbL, is it (legally) possible to import data licensed under CC-BY-SA? Precisely, I'd like to copy some information (e.g. street names) found on this map licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5: |
The answer is simple: no. CC by-SA (any current version) is not compatible with ODbL 1.0. 1
Thanks. For my case, I'll try to contact the author of the map to get it also licensed under the ODbL...
(07 Nov '12, 11:36)
Éric Piel
The not so simple aspect is that while allowing us to distribute the data under ODbL is short term ok, a useful data source is one that allows us to change our distribution licence as described in the contributor terms ("other free and open licence"). In reailty this boils down to PD/CC0 and attribution-only licences.
(07 Nov '12, 11:58)
SimonPoole ♦