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I select a building in JOSM, then use "copy all key values" in the properties box of the way. I then paste them into a text editor. I remove one or two and copy the result back into the paste buffer. I then wish to paste them into another way which has already some tags which clash with the (now deleted) tags of the original way. I can certainly paste them back into the text editor. When I try to paste them into a new way using ctrl-shift-V, I do not get the edited tags, I get the original tags, presumably in a non-system paste buffer of JOSM.

I have looked for shortcuts which say "paste from the system buffer" but am unable to find any, nor any obvious menu entries.

So, sorry to be so naive, but I can copy tags so how can I paste them back into a JOSM entity?

asked 07 Nov '12, 10:23

Electrotechie's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 May '15, 07:55

DaCor's gravatar image


I feel that I am answering the wrong thing, because this seems to be too obvious (or is it a new – years later – JOSM feature?)

  1. select the source object
  2. click into the tags dialog
  3. mark all (ctrl+A)
  4. hold ctrl and click the ones you do not want
  5. ctrl+c
  6. select your target object
  7. ctrl+shift+v

(likely you can replace the keyboard shortcuts with menu actions)

permanent link

answered 02 May '15, 00:58

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 02 May '15, 01:00

You could create a temporary node, paste all the tags onto that, delete the tags you don't want in the buffer, copy the remaining ones back into the buffer and remove the temporary node.

permanent link

answered 07 Nov '12, 10:39

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

True, that is what I have been doing so far but it is just messy and now and again I have forgotten to delete the dummy node wondering later what the isolated node was for.

Because there was a "copy all tags" to the system cut buffer I assumed that there would be a "paste tags" from the system cut buffer as well. This would avoid the need to create any temporary nodes.

(07 Nov '12, 10:44) Electrotechie

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question asked: 07 Nov '12, 10:23

question was seen: 4,279 times

last updated: 10 May '15, 07:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum