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I just bought a Garmin nuvi 1690 and am in the process of learning everything, I know nothing about anything, and I found that now I need help please. I download the OpenStreetMap 55128001.img Ecuador (, and it looks great in both the PC and the GPS, but when I try to find an intersection on the GPS I always get "No matches found". First I loaded the map directly into the GPS, didn’t work so I decided to do the transfer thru the Mapsource but exactly the same problem persists. How can I solve this problem, please. I bought this device to help me in my job, but if I can't fix this problem it is going to be a waste. I will be waiting for a kindly help, thanks in advance.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 06 Nov '12, 19:02

ventarron's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What do you mean by "when I try to find an intersection" ? Are you looking for an address ? or a place name like a locality ?

(07 Nov '12, 09:11) Pieren

What I mean is when you are trying to go to two streets intersection. Yes it really is an address. With the 1690 and the 1300 you have the posibility of press on "INTERSECTION" and then you first choose the city then the first street and after the second one and the window change to show you that intesection. Thank you for your interest, I will be waiting for your reply. Just in case, my e-mail:

(09 Nov '12, 18:18) ventarron

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question asked: 06 Nov '12, 19:02

question was seen: 2,269 times

last updated: 09 Nov '12, 18:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum