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In Germany there are several clinics of forensic psychiatry, such as the Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie in Essen (OSM object). These are specialized clinics where people are kept who committed a crime, but were found not guilty by reason of insanity. I believe the closest equivalent in the UK would be a "psychiatric secure unit".

These clinics look a lot like a prison, but they are run as clinics, and have a staff of doctors etc. Many also have an "open" section for normal, non-criminal patients.

I'm unsure how to tag this. The clinic in Essen was tagged as "amenity=prison", which is not correct. I re-tagged it as "amenity=hospital", "health_specialty = forensic_psychiatry". However, I'm not sure if this is the best option.

In particular, "amenity=hospital" seems problematic. Doesn't this tag imply that you can go there with general health problems? If you showed up at this clinic with a broken arm, you're unlikely to get help. So what's the best tagging?

asked 06 Nov '12, 18:54

sleske's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

These are specialized clinics where people are kept... by reason of insanity. I'm unsure how to tag this.

(09 Nov '12, 17:37) Richard ♦

@Richard: Sorry, didn't want to spoil your joke. I took the liberty of converting it to a comment, as it really was not an answer. Unfortunately I could not take back my downvote, hope that's ok.

(16 Nov '12, 08:45) sleske

amenity=hospital seems right to me . if you've added name=Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie then it's pretty clear what it is and people are unlikely to think they cpuld turn up there with a broken arm

permanent link

answered 09 Nov '12, 15:20

brianboru's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%


You can add the tag emergency=no to specify that the hospital does not do accident and emergency. See

(09 Nov '12, 16:59) Vclaw

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question asked: 06 Nov '12, 18:54

question was seen: 3,479 times

last updated: 16 Nov '12, 08:45

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