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In particular (redirects to main site with a browser) ?

I am finding JOSM fails when trying to download a map section. "GET".

I also note while starting JOSM failed to load a image from a .com site ? Thats interesting too ! "Failed to load, use cached file and retry next time."

I have recently updated my Ubuntu OS so it could be a java problem but strace does not spot anything obvious.


asked 06 Nov '12, 05:27

Davo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to the Platform Status there is no problem with the API. Downloading data with JOSM succeeds here. Does it work for you meanwhile? If not it might be a problem of your local network. redirecting to a HTML page is completely normal, the dots aren't part of the URL. instead should return with a XML file which is then parsed by JOSM in order to get information about the current API version, various restrictions and so on.

And the MapQuest icon seems to have changed it's location. This shouldn't be a problem for you and should get fixed with the next JOSM update.

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answered 06 Nov '12, 06:40

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

thanks Scai, so, an hour or so later, yep, the image is now downloading from MapQuest fine. Both in JOSM and a browser.

However, the real problem remains in JOSM. I select a small area of the map to download and it eventually fails. Indications are that its still failing at the "GET" but, as you state, I don't get to see what it really is down loading, just a truncated version of it. Java ! If I knew what was hidden behind the "..." I could try it myself.

I do see a message box saying "Failed to upload data to or download data from '' due to a problem with transferring data. Details (untranslated): connect timed out"

Still don't see any reason to suspect my Java install but I am starting to assume that is the case.

Thanks for your help, especially confirming its working fine there.


(06 Nov '12, 07:51) Davo

There is nothing hidden behind the "...", for downloading actual data JOSM will call per default.

If you get a timeout try downloading a smaller area or try it again later. I had some timeouts in the last few days myself, I think this is a known problem. Otherwise try contacting someone on IRC, this help site is not really suited for such problems.

(06 Nov '12, 08:46) scai ♦

For the record, I am now convinced that this problem is external, most likely local network problems but further testing will be needed to be quite sure.

To be clear, your browser should be able to return a bit of simple xml when pointed to

I can 'sometimes'....


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answered 06 Nov '12, 23:23

Davo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 06 Nov '12, 05:27

question was seen: 5,412 times

last updated: 06 Nov '12, 23:23

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