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I don't see any way to upload a photo of a point of interest using the in browser Potlatch 2. Is there a way to do that?

asked 08 Dec '10, 18:29

discus277's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

We don't generally upload photos. Using a camera is a popular mapping technique. See the Photo Mapping page for details. But it's just a way of rapidly recording information while you're out and about. This may or may not be combined with recording a GPS track which then lets you geo-locate the photos. But when it comes to uploading stuff, it's just the map data we're really interested in. So for example a photo of a POI may help you remember more details about it, which can be put in as tags.

I have loads of photos of shops from my recent mapping excursions, and I'll generally look at these and type in the 'name' tag and sometimes 'addr:housenumber', 'phone', and 'website' tags if I'm feeling diligent, but I don't upload these photos anywhere. For a lot of other mapping excursions I have GPS tracks as well as photos, and I use these to geo-locate the photos and show them within JOSM while I'm editing. JOSM includes really nice features for tweaking the time offsets, and there's no need to upload the photos or GPS tracks anywhere.

But you were asking about potlatch 2. Potlatch and potlatch 2 allow you to overlay a KML file, and this can be used to bring in photos. The Potlatch/Photo-mapping page has some details of that (although it may need updating). In any case you have to do the uploading first, and then point potlatch to your photos. At present there is no easy uploading interface built into Potlatch or Potlatch 2.

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answered 10 Dec '10, 01:41

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

Does the "Load photos" button in Potlatch do anything? I read the Potlatch/Photo-mapping page. I updated the Photo KML setting to point to MapPIN thinking OpenStreetPhoto may be down or lacking photos. When I click "Load photos" should I see ALL available photos from teh service for the area, or only the ones I have uploaded (I have not). I doubt the editor or the service knows or cares about the identity of the uploader or editor user. I'm thinking either this button in Potlatch does not work at all, or there are very few photos in either database. Is there any way I can see it work? Thanks!

(09 Feb '11, 19:58) ponzu

This has been discussed before. OpenStreetView is not a part of OpenStreetMap and questions should really be pointed towards them.

I assume you have to sign up at their site and they have an interface to upload images and geolocate them using a map based on OSM.

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answered 08 Dec '10, 19:16

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%


I see an earlier post under Adding Photos that says you can add to Open Street View but not Open Street Map. How do you upload to Open Street View?

(08 Dec '10, 18:39) discus277

You should contact Open Street View people for this question.

(09 Dec '10, 17:42) Pieren

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question asked: 08 Dec '10, 18:29

question was seen: 10,479 times

last updated: 09 Feb '11, 19:58

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