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To call for a map, you provide lat, lon, zoom and layers parameters in the query string. I am OK with lat, lon and zoom. I am puzzled by layers. So far, I've seen M and M#. What other layers can you call for. Where are they documented. I've searched the site but cannot find anything about url query string layers. Can somebody help me? I'm new to OSM.

asked 03 Nov '12, 03:43

Maestro%20Kwafur's gravatar image

Maestro Kwafur
accept rate: 0%

The different layers seem to be defined in this bit of code (see LayerCode lines). So if you look at the layers available in the layer switcher in the top right of the main site, M is the default Mapnik rendering, C is cyclemap, T is transport map and Q is Mapquest Open.

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answered 03 Nov '12, 07:38

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 03 Nov '12, 07:39

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question asked: 03 Nov '12, 03:43

question was seen: 5,899 times

last updated: 03 Nov '12, 07:39

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