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Dear experts,

okay, I was successful with drawing footpaths, tracks and small rivers with Potlatch 2. But I wasn't able to draw bridges of any kind, e. g. link text or link text.

Would be someone please be so kind and explain how to do it, and please in a way a real newbie can understand ;-).

Many thanks in advance


asked 02 Nov '12, 21:22

Reinhard's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Reinhard, It took me some time to get back to you, so second try. Im following the menu in P2 with 6 tabs and step through with the numbers. Choose tab number 2 square with agreed, good or seen. Scroll down to 3, bridge, choise general bridge (read wiki for extra info) Scroll down to 5 ad move the triangle (by Mouse) to the right until it says 1 above it. Your bridge dosnt have a conflict with the crossing way. If you leave the layer at ground level its a conflict. The last one save your work at the left upper side and dont forget to read the Wiki, theres much more info to see. Keyword for instance for roads and bridges are embankment and cutting but I doubt if youll find them in your region. Good luck and have fun Greetz Hendrik

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answered 04 Nov '12, 12:30

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Hi Hendrik,

Thank you very much. I think I've got it :-)! Now there are two additional bridge symbols in the map ...

Best regards


(04 Nov '12, 14:39) Reinhard

Hi Reinhard, If youre working in Potlach ? read below. Try to add the bridge symbol to a short track of a road by using the second tab (P2) on your screen and scroll down to bridge and choice general bridge. Youre able to isolate a strech by using the scisser symbol at a node (2 nodes). Look at the screen your stretch has a bridge symbol. Dont forget to choose layer 1, just below the bridge tab. Standard its ground, but youll have to take the tab to the right side until it says 1 above the tab. Greetz

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answered 02 Nov '12, 21:50

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


many thanks for trying to help! But I must admit that I couldn't find the mentioned "second tab (P2)" in Potlatch 2 :-(. And what about this "layer 1"? You see, I'm an absolutely newbie!

Here link text you can see a screenshot of Potlatch 2. What have I to do to draw a footbridge across the ditch (in the red circle)? Any additional help will be really appreciated!

Thanks in advance


(03 Nov '12, 11:52) Reinhard

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question asked: 02 Nov '12, 21:22

question was seen: 7,270 times

last updated: 04 Nov '12, 17:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum