I like to use OSM-maps of Europe in an own applications. At run time, however, there is never an online connection to the Internet. Therefore, I must use the maps offline. Unfortunately, the maps (for now) are too large to store. Max. available disk space is 15 GB. Although I only need roads + terrain (no point of views, gas stations, etc.). I test Mapnik but I didn´t find a solution to compress the maps effective. It would be no problem to install a web server in addition to my program and get the tiles as png (or other) from there. But the disk space required may just not be larger 15 GB ! Any help ist appreciated. Regards. |
You should look into vector rendering options. Gosmore, for example, can put the whole planet into a 15 GB binary file and render from there; other options exist as well and which one you choose probably depends on your platform and programming language of choice. thx for the fast answer. I think Gosmore is a viewer. I need an app/web server with an API in C++ in order to obtain the desired map tiles to present in my app.
(02 Nov '12, 13:22)
Have a look at Tilemill or other solutions from Mapbox. There are more hints and howto at their website. Maybe you can use Tilemill by keeping OSM data (after filtering) in a database and do a realtime rendering? Or look for their application "Tilestream" |
no other hints ?