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I have been looking in Germany and other "Example" countries, and still have not found a definitive answer. Some people put the Tags on the building polygon some put it on the area polygon when available. Some add the tags to a entrance node to the building and some add the tags to a node and move it to the center of the building while some move it near the entrance.

Which way helps OSM the most and is the most useful way to tag them. I already know to use the addr: tags instead of relations since it is quicker to parse and use. Please chime in and give your case for the best way to tag. I want to start adding addresses and Store POIs in commercial districts and would like some solid advice.

Here is an example of a Hospital I fixed up. And this is an area I would like to add more POIs and make more consistent. Please give me any helpful suggestions.

Also are there any good examples you could link to, because that would be great. I like learning by examining great examples. P.S. I am not that fond of relations but can do them if need be, I really want the best for this project.

asked 02 Nov '12, 00:52

redsteakraw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

My POV of Best Practice:
Nodes are the easiest and fastest way to map a POI. If a user knows details of a POI but not the outline of the building and no imagery is available it is the most logic thing to use.

When there is a way for the building, put the data on the way. Don't add the data to a node and the way. This kind of redundancy is not wanted.

Exceptions: When the building contains multiple POI you can
a) put the POI data on the node for the entrance which leads to the POI in real life or, if that isn't possible
b) just add the POI data to a node inside the building.

For relations: It is mostly discouraged using them. They break quite easily and are hard to restore. Also I map quite a lot but have seen only ten (or so) of them. Additionally: At least I haven't heard of any tools checking for address relations. So maybe you put a lot of work into them but they will hardly get used.


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answered 02 Nov '12, 02:05

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

I have used relations for buildings with courtyards, also for areas that are related yet non physically next to each other. It is a pain which is why I don't like to use them. It is only slightly easier if I use Merkaartor and start from scratch.

(02 Nov '12, 03:17) redsteakraw

Re: relations. I guess it depends where you map. associatedStreet relations is what we locally decided what is easier to map, and they are supported by nominatim. We have roughly 1500+ in a fairly rural area of about 300 square km (currently 1805 relations for an area extract, but there are a few multipolygons and boundaries in there too).

(02 Nov '12, 09:07) EdLoach ♦

We locally decided to standardize on addr:street and removed the few associatedStreet relations I had created before because they added unnecessary complexity and served no useful purpose.

Using addr:street, combined with editor presets, makes a common beginner task - adding or correcting an address - as easy as "click on the building, notice the 'address' dialog, type in the house number and street name in those text boxes." I fail to understand how associatedStreet could be considered easier than that.

(03 Nov '12, 05:39) Tordanik

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question asked: 02 Nov '12, 00:52

question was seen: 5,122 times

last updated: 03 Nov '12, 05:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum