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I draw a road using Potlatch 2; it appears on Standard map but not in Cycle Map. Why?

asked 01 Nov '12, 20:19

onlanders's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

After almost one week, the problem persists. I notice also that some roads drawn by someone else near mines also not appears in the Cycle Map. I already clear the browser cache, use another browser and it seems is missing some information in the Cycle Map when compared with Standard Map. Anyone has a clue?

(03 Nov '12, 15:50) onlanders

Did you wait long enough, or is it a specific problematic way that "never" shows up?

Further reading: Why does the cycle map take so long to update?

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answered 01 Nov '12, 20:33

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

I think so... I edited four days ago.

(01 Nov '12, 21:51) onlanders

You'll need to wait a bit longer I think. Some changes that I made here a month ago haven't shown up yet.

(01 Nov '12, 22:10) SomeoneElse ♦

It could be two things first it could be that the map doesn't update or render the tiles as fast as other map views. The other could be that the old images are cached in your browser's cache and you aren't really getting it from the server. You can try using a different browser to test it or delete your browser's cache.

I hope that helps.

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answered 02 Nov '12, 01:05

redsteakraw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 01 Nov '12, 20:19

question was seen: 3,452 times

last updated: 03 Nov '12, 17:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum