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The problem is that some name tags in Bulgarian map are only specified as "localized" (name:bg), and not as "name", which causes OsmAnd miss it. Can You recheck indexes and include plain name tags for the following names:

София, Лехчево, Шел, Гюрлата, Център, Омуровска река (reported 2x), Билла

asked 07 Dec '10, 13:49

vabrashev's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Dec '10, 14:08

Please use openstreetbugs to report this kind of bugs. So local editors can fix it. You may also fix this bug by yourself (it's not hard at all). I also looked at it and found that two first places are OK, but the rest do not exist (either someone have deleted/edited them or you wrote the names differently from that what is currently on osm database).

permanent link

answered 07 Dec '10, 18:57

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 07 Dec '10, 13:49

question was seen: 4,399 times

last updated: 07 Dec '10, 18:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum