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We are planning to use OSM but the licensing seems to be very complicated. I have read through several documents but unfortunately its still unclear if we will be producing derivative data which needs to be share. Some guidance would be greatlly appreciated by folks who are more experienced with OSM licensing.

We wish to show a Automotive Dealer, where their leads are originating from (geolocation) and which of those leads converted to sales (subset of leads). There are a few specific use cases where we will be leveraging OSM and so it would be great to know if we are producing derivative data under this circumstances:

1) We geocode addresses to lat/log and plot Leads, Sales and Car dealer locations. Does the leads and sales data need to be shared under the new licensing system?

2) Close Rate (#Sales/#Leads) for a dealership varies by the distance the leads are from the dealer. We want to show this relationship on a map by showing Concentric Circles (of avg close rates) with radius of 5, 10,15 miles from the dealership. Is this considered derivative data and does it need to be shared?

3) We want to acquire external data for zipcodes such as medium income, # of car per family and show that info on a map. Do we need to share this data with OSM?

Thanks in advance, Biren

asked 31 Oct '12, 17:20

Biren's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It seems to me that the question of derivative data might not be too relevant in your case.

Assuming for a moment that you were indeed creating a derivative database - which I'm not sure of - then this would mean that you have to offer the data under ODbL to the recipient of the "produced work". ODbL never requires sharing with the world - only that your data is available under ODbL to the recipient.

If I understand you correctly, then your clients will be the dealers whose business data you are visualizing; even if you had to make the data available to them, that would not affect your business since the dealers, while theoretically allowed to do so, would not have an interest to further distribute the data.

The "legal-talk" mailing list ( will probably yield more in-depth answers.

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answered 31 Oct '12, 19:56

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hi Frederik,

Thank you very much for providing some more clarity. Our legal team also reviewed the license document and come up with a similar conclusion.



(02 Nov '12, 14:20) Biren

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question asked: 31 Oct '12, 17:20

question was seen: 4,446 times

last updated: 02 Nov '12, 14:33

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