I'm trying to map a restaurant that is mostly inside a building but during nice weather they have a garden area that they seat and serve people in. The main building is unquestionably an amenity=restaurant and building=yes, so I don't have a problem there. The question is how to handle the outdoor area. I find on the "amenity=pub" page of the wiki that there are options for beer_garden, which this really isn't, and outdoor_seating "for urban situations where one can't really describe the seating as garden-like", except that the area I'm tagging really is garden-like. But still, I'd be ok with outdoor_seating except I'm not sure what to put it on. The description on amenity=pub implies that the beer_garden tag goes on the main restaurant, with the garden as a separate area---but how to tag it? I have tentatively tagged it as a park with access=private but this seems unsatisfying. (The areas in question, by the way, are 188386279 and 188386281 if you want to take a look.) |
Draw a closed way around the whole restaurant (building + outdoor + whatever else) and tag that with amenity=restaurant, name=Mario's, cuisine=italian, etc. The building's way should probably only have the building=yes tag. If you want you can map the other parts, like a "leisure=garden, access=customers" area, but the main thing is to understand that "the restaurant" is the big area that emcompasses all the smaller features. This practice is common with amenities like schools, which often comprise multiple buildings, pitches, parkings, etc. |