Hi, I saw that there are 81 boundaries with a wrong name here in Brazil (they have the word "Microregião" while the correct should be "Microrregião", with 2 R) Is there an easy way to fix them instead editing one by one? |
Just to download some specific elements in a quite big area, have a look at the OverpassAPI server. There is a description at the OSM wiki, do a search there. Read and try all examples. Come back here and add a comment if you get stuck. Also search this FAQ site for overpassapi to get some hints. |
The "r" function in potlatch2 will copy tags from last selected way to next selected way. To use it just press r and the last tags are copied to current selection. It can save some typing. 1
With JOSM I can go to File → Download from OSM… → Areas around places, search for one of the areas and try to download, one by one. Then after everything downloaded I can do a search, select everything with the wrong word and fix the name. But it isn't an automated task nor I can download the majority of the boundaries (since the area is too large). Is there something more magical like "Download every boundary with 'foo' in its name"?
(29 Oct '12, 20:35)