There are a number of places (in the US at least) where there is a named development that includes a mix of large standalone stores ("big box" stores), rows of storefronts, and standalone smaller stores or restaurants ("outlot" buildings), typically with a large sea of asphalt parking lot connecting them all. Smaller versions of this could be called a "strip mall". It's no problem mapping and tagging the buildings and parking lots, but how should I tag the overall development? landuse=retail would seem to be more about zoning or a general area of a town, either unnamed or with a general name like "Downtown Farmville". But if I choose the tag marked "Shopping centre" in Potlatch2, it gets tagged shop=mall, which seems to be a different sort of thing (often indoors, or if outdoors, with inward-facing shops and pedestrian streets connecting them). More importantly, if it were tagging an actual (indoor) mall, I'd expect the tag to be on the building and exclude the parking lots, but the tag I'm seeking would be for the entire area of the development, including the parking. So neither seems a perfect fit. Which is correct? |
I think an area tagged as So it may be a general area of the town centre, containing a number of individual shops or shopping malls. Or it may be a distinct shopping development, with its own name and its own car park etc. Or it may even be a single out-of-town supermarket. If the retail area has its own name, then tag that with And of course you can map the individual shops within the shopping development. ie use the appropriate |
Hi Blahedo, This question looks more or less at the earlier one, accidently ? But try to tag the area as follows landuse - commercial, thast should solve your problem. And please use multipolygones inner and outer just to make room for the shops or buildings. Happy cartering and ad all the different shops and developments later just as parking spaces. Hendrik |