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I was wondering if anybody can help me with the following issue.

I was editing administrative boundaries within Bosnia and Herzegovina (adding entities, cantons, municipalities). I deleted the old boundaries (country and entities) so I could create completely new administrative network of B&H. Now, when I search Nominatim for Bosnia and Herzegovina, I get old, deleted relation of Bosnia and Herzegovina border, and not the one which I created (which is B6H admin lvl 2). Also, I saw in example of other countries that, after you search for a country, you get child relations (regions and municipalities).

Here is the changeset I have made (admin levels 2, 4, 5 and 6 - country, entities, cantons, municipalities):

My question is, how to organize this new data (which is a lot richer) so it could show up in nominatim, first country, and then all child relations on the same page?

Best regards,


asked 28 Oct '12, 19:53

alenmahovic's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Nominatim has a protection against mapping accidents. To avoid that entire countries suddenly disappear because somebody unintentionally deleted a boundary relation, it requires that an admin manually releases large boundary relations when they are deleted.

I've removed the two old relations for Bosnia-Herzegovina now. Things should sort themselves out shortly. In general, there is an up-to-date list of such objects. If you find your deleted relations in there, just let me know and I'll release them.

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answered 02 Dec '12, 20:28

lonvia's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

Currently the result for Bosnia and Herzegovina is relation 2528142, which is the new one.

You can read boundary relations page and decide whether you use or not the way that can be used for defining subareas.

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answered 28 Oct '12, 20:26

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

I am getting the old relation for BH which doesn't exist: 214908

BiH Federation child items are not complete (divided between relations 2321266 and 2528144) 2321266 was deleted.

RS child items are also not complete (divided between 2528145 and node 1987254376).

Brcko District is Ok i presume (relation 2528143)

(31 Oct '12, 13:15) alenmahovic

Problem is that even though old relations were deleted, and that new relations exist, results are not displayer correctly, respectively, child items of BiH F, RS and Brcko District are not all shown where they should be. New relations refer to all existing ways, old relations don't refer to existing ways, they don't exist at all.

(31 Oct '12, 13:15) alenmahovic

I am just wondering how to organize everything so search in nominatim could show all child items under their respective relations (new ones). I am really confused here since I believe I organized relations correctly with outer ways, every last one of them. Ways for country of BiH were used also as ways for lower admin levels, such as entities, cantons, municipalities, ways of entities were also used as ways of cantons, ways of cantons were also used as ways of municipalities, and so on... (and I performed it very carefully not to forget even one of them).

Any assistance?



(31 Oct '12, 13:16) alenmahovic

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question asked: 28 Oct '12, 19:53

question was seen: 4,515 times

last updated: 02 Dec '12, 20:28

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