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I've been trying to make OSM edits using Potlatch 2 and keep running into problems with keyboard input.

Some keyboard actions (like backspace and minus) seem to work, but shift-clicks don't, and there is no way to get a cursor in edit fields, although pasting into those fields seems to work.

It's not a universal problem, because twice I have had it actually work correctly, but I don't know what was different about those times. Are there any workarounds I should know about?

This is with Chrome 22 on MacOS 10.6.4, Flash 11.4.402.287

asked 28 Oct '12, 19:14

Eric%20Fischer's gravatar image

Eric Fischer
accept rate: 0%

I've seen this problem as well, although I've also seen keyboard problems with other Flash apps (games etc) in MacOS, and assumed it was just that. I'm also running an older MacOS (10.4!), so I can't definitively answer this.

(28 Oct '12, 19:32) blahedo

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question asked: 28 Oct '12, 19:14

question was seen: 1,761 times

last updated: 28 Oct '12, 19:32

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