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I understand that ways can be tagged as maxspeed=, though, what I would like to know how to do is, taking an osm file only containing ways that have maxspeed= tags, take the ends of those ways and create POIs for those maxspeeds where they differ from other ways or against a way that isn't tagged with maxspeed, and isn't an intersection. Goal being to get maxspeed alerts into a Garmin at zone changes.

asked 28 Oct '12, 05:46

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Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

Do you really need to create a node POI ? As in, is the Garmin software unable to make use of the information on a way and need the information to be provided on a node instead ? That seems unlikely to me, because a speed limit realy only has meaning on a way, not on a node. Also, how do you distinguish which side of the node the speed limit applies to ?

(29 Oct '12, 12:53) Vincent de P... ♦

Alternatively, knowing how to get mkgmap include speed limits...

(02 Nov '12, 00:19) Baloo Uriza

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question asked: 28 Oct '12, 05:46

question was seen: 3,044 times

last updated: 02 Nov '12, 00:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum