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Hello, please check someone more experienced than me, if I had made a mistake. I entered with key "tourism - hotel" and "name - Brave Old Oak" a hotel. Change number 13425830 (location 52,1324280 / -0,9890110). In JOSM the name "Brave Old Oak" is fully shown,but on the online map only "Brave Old O". Why ? - Many thanks for letting me know, how to correct this.

asked 24 Oct '12, 14:45

Fred-1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The map you see on-line is a patchwork of tiles, and the hotel name spans more than one tile. Tiles are rendered from the database by a background process, and one of the tiles has not been re-rendered since you made the change. Once that happens, the name should appear in full (as it does if you zoom in).

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answered 24 Oct '12, 15:05

sdoerr's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%


I dirtied the "ak" tile and refreshed my local cache and all looks ok here now. If you are still missing the "ak" then you may have the older tiles still cached locally.

(24 Oct '12, 15:18) EdLoach ♦

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question asked: 24 Oct '12, 14:45

question was seen: 3,334 times

last updated: 24 Oct '12, 15:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum