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When I click on the Save button to upload my changes to the website, it takes forever to save to the changeset.

Is having website problems ?

asked 24 Oct '12, 05:02

William_Jones_955's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Oct '12, 05:21

In general, if you are seeing problems with any of the services, check for any known issues. Then, use IRC to ask others if they see similar problems and/or contact the admins.

This forum is unsuitable for the discussion of particular, temporary service interruptions.

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answered 24 Oct '12, 07:34

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

The speed of the upload depends on many other factors, like your available bandwidth, the network "distance" from you to the OSM servers, the size of the changes being uploaded, the load on the OSM servers (it is said that on Sunday afternoons they get congested...), etc.

A few of my largest changesets (~8k items hand traced from Bing imagery) took more than 10 minutes to upload...

I would consider normal to wait a few minutes for any larger changeset to upload, except when errors are returned.

What is "takes forever" to you?

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answered 24 Oct '12, 14:15

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

Thirsday night into this Wednesday morning the website was not working at all (but it is working now)

What the problem was is that when I clicked the save button in the "Save Changes Dialog Box" it had been doing the endless moving of the circle "prossesing" icon but it was not saving (the server hung up and/or had crashed)

(24 Oct '12, 18:21) William_Jone...

When it happens again I'd definitely recommend jumping on IRC and asking if anyone's aware of a problem.

(24 Oct '12, 19:36) SomeoneElse ♦

It's a good point MCPicoli. It does very very much depend on the number of changes made. But by the way... I think you're crazy to work on 8k changes without uploading more often. I sometimes edit as many as ~1k objects before uploading, but only when I've accidentally forgotten to save in a while. Maybe I'm just more cautious because I remember a time when OSM services were a lot less stable than they are these days.

(25 Oct '12, 01:23) Harry Wood

As of today I've created changesets with more than 23k objects in it and uploaded only once at the end of the work (and many with more than 10k objects each), and had no trouble at all except for the occasional conflict. (see CS#14936313 and CS#14864585 for example). Of course I save these changesets locally all the time. Who knows when the next Windows crash will be?

(14 Aug '13, 19:53) MCPicoli

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry for asking most likely a stupid question, but I'm very confused. In order to add changes in I had to register acount in I did the changes and saved everything in, but days later the changes are not showing in

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answered 10 Feb '21, 13:54

Ivaylo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I've converted this to a question at . It's not an answer to this question (and doesn't actually seem to be related to it in any way).

(10 Feb '21, 14:00) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 24 Oct '12, 05:02

question was seen: 8,266 times

last updated: 10 Feb '21, 14:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum