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Hola acabo de instalar el programa en mi samsung galaxy III pero no veo dentro del store el mapa de Peru. que debo hacer

asked 23 Oct '12, 19:29

jv4nk4rlo5's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Oct '12, 23:12

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Cual programa?

(English of question was "Hi, I just installed the program on my samsung galaxy III but do not see in the store a map of Peru. what should I do")

(23 Oct '12, 20:26) SomeoneElse ♦

Instale el Navfree pero no tiene el mapa del Peru dentro de su store

(23 Oct '12, 21:05) jv4nk4rlo5

(I'll reply in English in the first instance because my Spanish is not good)

Navfree is made by a company called NavMii. Although it's a program that uses OpenStreetMap data, it's not part of the project, so no-one here can influence what maps are available for NavFree or when.

As a bit of background, Navfree do have a FAQ entry that says "Why isn’t there a map for my country?" which lists the countries available, and Peru in not on that list.

Nevmii also have a uservoice page (a customer feedback mechanism) on which someone's asked "Please make it possible that users can download their respective regional maps". Someone from NavMii has answered:

But with regard to downloading data from OpenStreetMap… No can do The OSM data must be compiled and heavily optimised. Our compilers are propriatary and are likely to remain so for the forseeable future.

So it's not good news - it doesn't look like you'll be able to get a map of Peru from Navfree any time soon.

However, there are a large number of other Android apps available, some of which may provide the features that you're looking for. I don't have an Android phone myself, so can't recommend a particular one. In addition, lots of questions here mention Android, so reading through the answers to those may also help.

permanent link

answered 23 Oct '12, 23:37

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I appreciate your prompt response, unfortunately it seems that I may not have the map of my country at short notice, esparare patiently for the moment it is posiblible.

HOWEVER receive from me my sincere congratulations you have a great product, go ahead.

best regards,


(24 Oct '12, 00:16) jv4nk4rlo5

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question asked: 23 Oct '12, 19:29

question was seen: 9,579 times

last updated: 24 Oct '12, 00:17

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