When does added Bus routes (services) show up in Transport Route View ? http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Bus_routes I have added two (out of ~30 or so) bus routes in Raleigh NC's CAT route system (http://www.raleighnc.gov/transit) Routes 1 and 2, how long does it take for them to show up in the Transport Route View ? Also how do we determine the correct relation role: forward, reverse, or none (two-way) when the editor does not indicate the direction in relation to the node / way (open polylines) under them, when the direction of the Bus routes (services) is not shown in the editor ? http://www.opencyclemap.org/?zoom=15&lat=35.78272&lon=-78.6352&layers=0B0 |
According to the wiki the TransportMap rendering database gets updated daily, and then your route should render on the transport map layer, although if you have tiles cached locally it may take a little longer to see it. |
The Potlatch editor shows the way direction by the arrow in the lower right toolbox. The JOSM Public Transport plugin automatically adds roles to all ways in a route relation. |