Hello, I'm trying to extract water bodies and I'm using Osmosis to filter the osm data for a certain area. When using the --way-key-value option, I specify things like waterway.riverbank for example. My problem is that sometimes, ways that are parts of rivers aren't tagged as such and the only way to know their type is when they are used in a relation. Unfortunately, when I reach a relation that is tagged as a waterbody of some sort, all of its ways without proper tagging will have been stripped by the filter. Is there a way to tell Osmosis to keep ways used in relations, regardless of the way tags? --used-way wouldn't work in my case as not all the ways are contained in relations... Any ideas? Thanks! |
I am not so familiar with the filtering options of osmosis, but I recommend to try Osmfilter Sometimes it can be easier to use, IMHO. Thanks, I had found OsmFilter but it doesn't support the PBF file format at this point unfortunately. So I have to convert the files from PBF back to XML, then filter, then convert back to PBF. I'll keep digging...
(23 Oct '12, 09:32)