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Hi All, I am using Geoserver 2.0.2 I have been informed that it is possible to use OSM as a 'Cascade WMS' and then serve them out from Geoserver. When I looked up the Geoserver documentation it told me i would need a Capabillities URL, and a user name and passsword. Does anybody know where I can get these? my purpose for this is that we are using software which looks for OSM but we are using it on non web facing machines. I can point this software to look at the server where I have Geoserver, which is web facing, and then serve the OSM maps from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Jason.

asked 22 Oct '12, 12:31

NCC%20GIS%20Admin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If I understand this right, you have an application that wants to consume OSM tiles ("software which looks for OSM"), and now you want to use Geoserver to bring these tiles into the Intranet from the Internet.

That would be a waste of resources because as a cascading WMS, Geoserver would first assemble a coherent data source from the tiles and then cut that up again to serve them internally. You would be much better off simply installing a HTTP proxy and serving OSM tiles directly.

It would make sense to use Geoserver if your internal application required a WMS (which is something that OSM doesn't offer). Then Geoserver could load tiles from the Internet and make WMS responses from that. Unless Geoserver had efficient caching, however, you would likely end up making excessive requests against the OSM tile server so be sure to configure this right.

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answered 22 Oct '12, 13:15

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hi Frederik, Yes we had thought of a proxy but as you said the internal software requires a WMS. So do you have any idea how I would go about this?

(22 Oct '12, 15:12) NCC GIS Admin

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question asked: 22 Oct '12, 12:31

question was seen: 9,137 times

last updated: 22 Oct '12, 15:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum