Hello, I downloaded datas from Openstreetmap about train stations in France (RER network around Paris). I used http://download.geofabrik.de/openstreetmap in order to do it. I discovered that those datas wasn't filled up. Some train stations was missing. Then, I completed those datas with the ArcGis software. Now I have a shp file with the name of each RER station and the name of the train line corresponding (RER A, RER B, RER C, RER D, RER E). I would like to update the datas on openstreetmap. Is that possible to integrate datas in shp format from arcgis to Openstreetmap in one time? Thanks everybody |
When you say "Then, I completed those datas with the ArcGis software" where did you get the information about the location about the missing stations from? Did you go out and survey them, or get the information from some other source? See the wiki for more info.