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I tagged streets and houses with housenumbers in a small town.

There has been a region tagged for the town (residential aerea).

The streets show streetnames.

The houses (buildings) are tagged with housenunmber, postcode and name of the street.

Unfortunately it is not possible to route to a house in the street, only to the street.


Can somebody help me?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards, Helmut

asked 19 Oct '12, 21:27

unsereins's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


How many days between your adding the house numbers and your attempt to route to a house number?

(19 Oct '12, 22:02) Frederik Ramm ♦

What are you using for routing? A web site (in which case, which one?) or something on a mobile device (e.g. Garmin handheld, phone using an extract of OSM data)?

(19 Oct '12, 22:36) SomeoneElse ♦

I added the housenumbers one year ago.

For the routing I am using downloaded files from with my GARMIN Etrex. I tried it with, too.

For instance:

o Budenheim Buchenweg 12 shows only the street

o Frankfurt Hofeckweg 9 shows the house

I cannot see a difference in the tagging ...

(21 Oct '12, 15:00) unsereins
(22 Oct '12, 07:36) andy mackey

If you can route to 11 Buchenweg Budenheim (which IS in the nominatim) it would suggest that the missing house numbers is the only problem and you only need to add them to OSM, wait for an updated download for the etrex and use that and it should work ok.

(22 Oct '12, 12:35) andy mackey

You are right, I apologize, number 12 is wrong. You could instead use 9 or 11. It do not work with all numbers of this street "Buchenweg". Better said, it do not work with all housenumbers in Budenheim.

The address in Frankfurt ("Frankfurt Hofeckweg 9"), where the routing is working, has been tagged by another user.

I can only see that this user tagged the housenumber, postcode and streetname regarding the house, like I did.

So, what is the difference that his housenumber can be routed and my housenumber not?

(22 Oct '12, 18:30) unsereins

On looking at Buchenweg's houses we find 1,3,5 to 17 are all tagged and all are found by nominatim. Is that data in your etrex and are they found to number by it? I also wonder where are the evens?

(22 Oct '12, 18:55) andy mackey

Beside of the used navi (etrex) I think it is easier to use the web based

This software is available for everybody and it is easy to show for me what´s the problem.

If you start this routing software please fill in the simple search field "Budenheim Buchenweg 11". You will then see in the graphic a arrow only pointing to the street, not to the house.

If you fill in "Frankfurt Hofeckweg 9" you will see an arrow pointing to the house with the number 9.

You see the difference?

(23 Oct '12, 15:11) unsereins
showing 5 of 9 show 4 more comments

If the map data as been installed onto a device did it include your up to date addressing info? It will help us to know the device type or routing software you are using and the version of the map you used and it's creation date. A permalink of, or a problem address will allow someone to test and trace the fault. Edit Addition Is it possible to scroll your downloaded etrex map to the street, house and number you want? If your map shows them the problem would be with the etrex and the routing on it not with OSM.

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answered 19 Oct '12, 22:30

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 22 Oct '12, 13:16

unsereins I believe your comment was deleted as it was put in as an answer box (instead of comment as space is limited) I'll paste it here as I have an email copy "Beside of the used navi (etrex) I think it is easier to use the web based

This software is available for everybody and it is easy to show for me what´s the problem.

If you start this routing software please fill in the simple search field "Budenheim Buchenweg 11". You will then see in the graphic a arrow only pointing to the street, not to the house.

If you fill in "Frankfurt Hofeckweg 9" you will see an arrow pointing to the house with the number 9.

You see the difference?"...... My answer is I am not sure but it may have something to with the dates of the data at the top left of the routing site. It may have the numbers on the map but not in its database. The searches both work ok in OSM's nomination search box but the problem is with openrouteservice so you should contact them for a solution to the problem you have found.

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answered 24 Oct '12, 14:14

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 24 Oct '12, 19:16

Well, thanks for your help. But I will stop searching now for a solution. Maybe this is an immanent problem of OSM and I have not enough time to take care of it.

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answered 24 Oct '12, 21:35

unsereins's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Oct '12, 21:27

question was seen: 5,500 times

last updated: 24 Oct '12, 21:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum