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Using the aerial images of Microsoft / Bing is a great new development which will increase considerably the speed with which white spaces on our map can be filled.

However, it would be interesting to know how old these images are. I know that the Yahoo imagery is quite old for some parts of our globe and this can cause problems if areas are drawn without local up-to-date knowledge. Therefore, it would be nice to know how old the Bing imagery is.


asked 02 Dec '10, 12:31

ALE's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

retagged 18 Dec '10, 22:43

kallam's gravatar image


Try the interesting tool: Bing aerial imagery analyzer for OSM

As you zoom in the dates change for each zoom level.

permanent link

answered 04 Dec '10, 11:56

ChrisH's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 14 Dec '10, 18:39

Vclaw's gravatar image


Very nice web service!!!

Is this available for the whole planet? And already mentioned in the OSM wiki?

(04 Dec '10, 13:46) stephan75

The Bing images are sourced from different providers. Some are more current than others. If you have an image URL of, say

You can retreive the HTTP headers using a browser plugin or an Unix commandline tool like

$ HEAD ''

This will return, among other things, a line that reads

X-VE-TILEMETA-CaptureDatesRange: 6/17/2006-7/14/2006

Which tells you that this specific tile was created from an image taken about 4.5 years ago.

OSM editors don't currently show that information but I assume that in the long run, ways will be found to make it readily availalbe.

permanent link

answered 02 Dec '10, 12:43

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 02 Dec '10, 12:44

For example one can use - just paste any URL into the Target URL field and you get all response headers.

(02 Dec '10, 13:53) katpatuka

In your browser's Developer Tools "Network" tab you can see the headers too.

(26 Dec '19, 02:22) jidanni

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question asked: 02 Dec '10, 12:31

question was seen: 30,668 times

last updated: 26 Dec '19, 02:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum