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I'm looking to download data for the whole world, or maybe just the data for a few countries. Where can I get it?

asked 07 Jul '10, 10:54

randomjunk's gravatar image

accept rate: 75%

edited 07 Jul '10, 11:06

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦

OpenStreetMap releases a weekly file called the "planet" in .osm format which shows the current state of the database. There are a number of mirror sites you can obtain this from listed on the wiki Planet.osm page. This file is many gigabytes in size even though it is compressed.

There are also third party sites which split the data into different files by country and region also listed on that page. These may be more manageable if you only need a smaller region.

OpenStreetMap also releases regular change files which can be used to keep an already downloaded file uptodate. More information on this is also on the wiki Planet.osm/diffs page.

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answered 07 Jul '10, 11:06

randomjunk's gravatar image

accept rate: 75%

Have a lot at It lists several places where you can get planet dumps.

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answered 07 Jul '10, 11:03

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 07 Jul '10, 11:04

TomH's gravatar image

TomH ♦♦


this osm data needs to be rendering??

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answered 16 Jul '10, 02:18

leo2gz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That depends on what you want to do with the data. If you want to have a nice map to look at, then yes the data need to be rendered.

But there are other usecases for OpenStreetMap data as well. It can be used to feed routing engines which tell you the best way from A to B. It can be used to feed geocoding engines which are able to convert an adress to latitude and longitude as well as the other way around. And there are countless other possibilites.

So it really depends on what you want to do with the data if you need to render the data into images or if you have to process it differently.

(16 Jul '10, 06:41) petschge

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question asked: 07 Jul '10, 10:54

question was seen: 19,059 times

last updated: 16 Jul '10, 06:41

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum