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how do I tag a house in which is home to more than one company/restaurant/amenity? One node for each?

Thank you, Aleph

asked 02 Dec '10, 10:25

Aleph's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

How about if there is one rural business operating with multiple business types? eg, The main business was auto electrical, but now they have multiple franchisees in the same show room, such as 4wd accessaries, welding equipment and power tools?

(27 Dec '12, 22:04) angyork

@angyork: A different question - maybe a new question would have been more appropriate. Regarding your question: if the single shops are in the same room and not spatially separated I would just add the multiple tags to the one node. If necessary with ";"-separated values for one key.

(27 Dec '12, 22:30) aseerel4c26 ♦

thanks aseerel,

yeah looking back, it is a desperate question. Will give it a go with multiple tags on the one node and then will confirm if it works in osmand when it updates next

(27 Dec '12, 22:34) angyork

angyork's question re. the different situation is now at: One business with multiple franchises

(27 Dec '12, 23:08) aseerel4c26 ♦

One node for each is the current recommended approach. If you are able to add the outline of the building in as well, that helps indicate that they are all in the same place.

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answered 02 Dec '10, 10:36

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

A shopping mall is probably the most acute example of this. See Tag:shop=mall#Shops within a mall. Some aspects of this are still under discussion

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answered 03 Dec '10, 11:24

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 02 Dec '10, 10:25

question was seen: 7,964 times

last updated: 27 Dec '12, 23:08

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