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Is there any way to set full screen for Potlach2 Editor? This would come very handy for me, because right now almost 1/3 for my screen area is being occupied with unuseful things.

asked 01 Dec '10, 14:47

twist3r's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Feb '11, 15:54

ALE's gravatar image


No. I worked on this previously, but if you make use the Flash fullscreen mode, the potlatch2 doesn't get any keyboard input. Without that (especially the shift key) potlatch2 becomes quite erratic and hard to achieve anything!


However, if you press the M key while using potlatch2 on, it will cover the full page - not quite the full screen, but pretty close.

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answered 01 Dec '10, 16:47

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

What Andy said, M key is the way, and if you combine that with using Full Screen mode in your web browser* then it will pretty much fill the screen, which makes it usable on even the smallest on netbook displays.

*(in Internet Explorer or Firefox you can select "View->Full Screen" or press the F11 key, other browsers may vary)

permanent link

answered 02 Feb '11, 12:34

GrahamS's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%


It is F11 in Firefox and Chrome as well

(03 Feb '11, 19:07) emj

Note that P2 even catches F11 (see @GrahamS' answer), which is a bit annoying, if you try to get out of fullscreen mode. Workarounds:

  • A) One then need to first de-maximize Potlatch2 (press M again), then click on the website parts outside of the Potlatch2 area and then hit F11.
  • B) Bring up the browser controls somehow otherwise (touching the top the screen with your mouse works in Firefox) and demaximize there/click and F11.
(23 Apr '13, 13:14) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 01 Dec '10, 14:47

question was seen: 6,824 times

last updated: 14 Aug '13, 00:37

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