I would like to add an image overlay to OpenStreetMap. Initial image is of 760*760 pixels and it is referred in Lambert Conic Conformal coordinates with a center grid point in 40N, 3W. The isometric latitudes of lambert projection are in 33.5N and 46.5N. To be well overlayed, it is necessary to convert Lambert projection to WGS84 and then to Mercator EPSG:900013, right? Do you know a tool or any easy way to do it? Thank you very much
This question is marked "community wiki".
You can reproject raster images with the "gdalwarp" command line utility from the GDAL suite of programs (many Linux distributions have that as "gdal-bin" package). You could also use control points instead of mathematics and bring the image into shape with the MapWarper web site (http://mapwarper.net/). |