hallo, I'm working on a project for making ciymaps of different places. I have to download these as PDF so I can use them for printing. On most places I looked there are too many POI and i would like to take them away but don't want to work in the "main map" and destroy somebody's work. Is it possible to create my own map and work in that one like you do with regular documents. Hope somebody can help me |
Have a look at mapOSMatic, it will render city maps for you. mapOSMatic is free software, so you can build upon that software and improve it or change it o your liking. You are correct, understanding that it is not permitted to delete items from the map simply because you don't want to see them for your purposes. This demonstrates the difference between the OpenStreetMap data and your speciality rendering. Data users will often have a group of objects that they wish to emphasize on the map and perhaps other objects they wish to de-emphasize. Rendering the the process you follow to consume the OpenStreetMap data, and display it in the manner that meets your needs. Again, you understand correctly, don't change the database to meet your needs. Make a local copy of the data, and present it in a sensible way by rendering it for your needs. mapOSMatic says itself that it is currently down. That's really sad. [Please remove this comment once mapOSmatic is back again]
(16 Oct '12, 08:17)
Roland Olbricht
Enter "printing" in the search box above and read some of the answers, e.g. "How do I create a map for printing with specific POI?" |
Depending on what you're looking for in terms of cities and information, you might find www.citymaps.com helpful! |